2017 GWDB Resolutions

Resolution 2017-009
A resolution relative to the approval of the GWDB youth Request for Proposal for youth activities for PY2017-2018

Resolution 2017-008
A resolution relative to the approval of the American Job Center Memorandum of Understanding for Program Year 2017-2018

Resolution 2017-007
A resolution relative to the approval of Eligible Training Provider Listing and Certification

Resolution 2017-006
A resolution to recognize the government to government process for the One-Stop Operator selection relative to approval by the GWDB

Resolution 2017-005
A resolution relative to the approval of the American Job Center Customer Complaint Process and Policy No. GWDB 17-002

Resolution 2017-004
A resolution relative to the approval of the Incumbent Worker Training Program Policy No. GWDB 17-001

Resolution 2017-003
A resolution to recognize and establish the State Apprenticeship Council (SAC) relative to approval by the GWDB

Resolution 2017-002
A resolution relative to the approval of the Veterans priority of service policy

Resolution 2017-001
A resolution relative to the approval of the amendment of the GWIB Policy No. WP-SOP-003, as amended on December 11, 2012