You may be eligible for the Adult Program if you are 18 years or older and meet the following requirements:
- Household income is within federal income guidelines; and
- Possess barrier(s) to employment (high school dropout, disabilities, offender/ex-offenders, basic skills deficient).
Program Components
Work Experience (WE) Activity
This is a short term or part-time work activity with a public or private non-profit worksite for participants to experience the world of work.
Work Experience is designed to promote the development of good work habits and skills for participants who never worked before, or, have not worked for an extended period of time.
Participant’s training is a maximum of 480 hours.
On-the-Job Training (OJT) Activity
On-the-Job Training activity provides you the opportunity to learn the occupational skills of a job you are interested in and get paid while in training!
The OJT activity is designed to prepare participants with technical skills necessary to perform a specific job.
Upon satisfactory completion of the training, employers are expected to retain the participant as a regular employee.
These are just some of the occupations that you can be trained in:
- Clerk Typist
- Secretary
- Data Entry Clerk
- Dental Assistant
- Construction Worker
- Accounting Clerk
- Front Desk Clerk
- Administrative Assistant
- Sales Associates
- Computer Clerk
Classroom Training (CRT) Activity
Classroom Training activity provides opportunities to learn the knowledge you will need to know about the job in which you are interested.
CRT is an activity designed to ensure participants with the technical skills and information to apply while performing specific job tasks.
Here are some of the classroom training programs that can be provided:
- Basic Remedial Education
- English-as-a-Second Language (ESL)
- Occupational Skills Training (Theory)
- Pre-GED/GED Services
- Adult High School
- Certificate Program
- Apprenticeship
- Customized Training
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) mandates that participants are provided core, intensive and training services. Job core services are basic information about our programs and other government programs made available for job seekers. Job intensive, job training and supportive services assist participants to attain and retain employment.
- Pre-Employment Enhancement Training (P.E.E.T.) & Testing Workshop
- Career Strategy Plan Development
- Job referral and placement
- Referrals to appropriate programs
- Child Care assistance during the training
- Transportation allowance
- Uniform allowance
- Needs related payments
- Police Court Clearance
- Drug Testing for Employment
- Professional Counseling
- Tools needed for training
- Other assistance needed as identified by the Case Manager during P.E.E.T.
All services and training assistance under WIOA are federally funded to eligible participants. It will require commitment and determination on your part to take full advantage of this opportunity and, to successfully complete the program goal – to be productively employed!
How to Get Started
To see if you are eligible for the Adult Program:
- Register online at our HIREGUAM website.
- Visit the American Job Center or call to schedule an appointment.
Contact Us
For more information, contact our Programs administrator:
Theresa Camacho
Phone: (671) 300-4555
Email: theresa.camacho@nulldol.guam.gov