What is the Guam Registered Apprenticeship Program (GRAP)?
The Guam Registered Apprenticeship Program (GRAP) is an industry-driven training program that provides the
opportunity for workers to earn and learn simultaneously. Apprenticeship trains workers in the skills needed in a specific profession whilst teaching the importance of its application in an actual work environment.
GRAP enable and energize more employers to participate and provide them access to larger talent pools that have been trained for entry-level to management positions, thereby meeting industry demands and reducing unemployment rates across the country.
For Employees
For Employers
- •Age: 16 years old OR older (dependent on employer)
- •U.S. Resident or eligible to work in the U.S.
- •Education: High School Diploma or Equivalency
- •Other qualifications as required by Employer
How to become a Registered Apprenticeship Sponsor
- •Contact the Guam State Apprenticeship Agency
- •Determine the Essential Job Skills
- •What occupations are needed?
- •What skill sets do you want your apprentices to obtain?
- •How many hours of supervised on-the-job training are necessary for someone to acquire proficiency or mastery of those skills?
- •Establish Apprenticeship Program Standards
- •Submit Your Program and Standards for Approval
- •After program approval, select and register your apprentices and start your program
GRAP- Tax Credit Program
The Guam Registered Apprenticeship Program (GRAP) provides tax credit incentives to eligible businesses that employ apprentices who are duly enrolled and registered in the program. Eligible businesses are entitled to tax credits against their gross receipts tax liability equal to fifty percent (50%) of the eligible training costs paid or incurred by the business.
Eligible training costs are as follows: Direct wages of apprentices, direct fringe benefits (medical and dental insurance), journeyman’s wages (on-the-job training), instructor costs (academic and trade theory), training costs (books and tuition), and personal protective equipment.
GRAP Goals
- •To reduce the shortage of highly skilled workers
- •To encourage employers to hire and train apprentices in highly skilled trades and occupations
- •To authorize tax credits for certain long term apprenticeship training expenses
- •To ensure that apprentices continue to pay income taxes and participate in the economy.
- •The business should be duly enrolled and registered under GRAP with the Department of Labor.
- •The apprentice’s occupation should be on the GRAP Demand Occupations Listing which is compiled by the Director of the Department of Labor and approved by the Governor and the Legislature of Guam.
- •The business must not be a beneficiary of a Qualifying Certificate issued by the Guam Economic Development and Commerce Authority.
Fact Sheet
- GRAP Fact Sheet
- Guam Registered Apprenticeship Program Fact Sheet
- Guam Registered Apprenticeship Program Fact Sheet (Chuukese Version)
- Guam Registered Apprenticeship Program Fact Sheet (Palauan Version)
- Guam Public Law 28-142, codified as 22 GCA §§ 44101-44114 and Guam Public Law 32-181, Chapter 12 Section 34.
- Guam Public Law 35-39, GRAP Reauthorization
Existing Sponsors and RAPs
Resources and Information
- What is Registered Apprenticeship
- Explore Registered Apprenticeship
- U.S. Department of Labor – Apprenticeship Program Link
- U.S. Department of Labor – Available Occupations
- National Association of State and Territorial Apprenticeships Directors (NASTAD)
- ApprenticeshipGUAM Expansion Grant Training Fund Program Guidelines
- Employer Toolkit
- Federal Resources Playbook
- Service Member and Veterans
- Legislation, Regulations, and Guidance
- Complaint Forms
Contact Us
For more information, please contact the SAA Staff:
American Job Center, Guam State Apprenticeship Agency
Office Location:
414 West Soledad Ave.
Suite 300, GCIC Building
Hagatna, GU 96910
Phyllis Topasna
Email: phyllis.topasna@nulldol.guam.gov
Phone number: (671) 300-4572