Resolution 08-017
A Resolution relative to establishing the official Guam Workforce Board Standing Committee meeting schedule.
Resolution 08-016
A Resolution to approve the encumbrance of WIA funding and contracting services of a conference planner for the GWIB Joint Micronesian Chiefs’ Executives (MCES) Summit and the GWIB Workforce Summit.
Resolution 08-015
A Resolution approving recertification of apprenticeship programs with the Guam Shipyard, Guam Power Authority, and the Guam Waterworks Authority.
Resolution 08-014
A Resolution endorsing the partnership between the Guam Department of Labor / AHRD and the Micronesian Youth Services Network.
Resolution 08-013
A Resolution relative to approving the adoption of Work Experience Activity, Policy Number WIA-SOP-002.
Resolution 08-012
A Resolution relative to the adoption of the Procurement & Property Management Procedures, Policy Number GWIB-WIA-2009-02.
Resolution 08-011
A Resolution relative to adopting the WIA Title 1B and the Wagner-Peyser Act requirement pursuant to USDOL ETA TEGL 13-08 to address the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) concerns of the 2009 Guam State Plan and Transformation Plans of Work.
Resolution 08-010
A Resolution relative to adopting the program design and funding allocation of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds.
Resolution 08-009
A Resolution relative to approving a one year extension on the Guam Strategic Workforce Investment Plan.
Resolution 08-008
A Resolution relative to outsourcing the conference / summit planning for the March 2009 conference and October 2009 summit.
Resolution 08-007
A Resolution amending section 5.05 of article V of the Guam Workforce Investment Board by-laws to authorize the board chairman to allow teleconference to complete a quorum.
Resolution 08-006
A Resolution approving recertification of apprenticeship programs with Guam Shipyard, Guam Power Authority, and Guam Waterworks Authority.
Resolution 08-005
A Resolution approving an extension to the One-Stop Career Center partner Memorandum of Understanding.
Resolution 08-004
A Resolution to approve a request for proposal for the out of school youth program.
Resolution 08-003
A Resolution to adopt a methodology to distribute cost of the Guam One-Stop Career Center.
Resolution 08-002
A Resolution approving a pilot Court Interpreter Training Program with the Judiciary of Guam.
A Resolution approving the amendment of WIA-SOP-002.