Workers’ Compensation Division to Relocate to DPHSS Building in Hagåtña

The Guam Department of Labor (GDOL) would like to announce that the Workers’ Compensation Division’s office on the 4th Floor of the GCIC Building in Hagåtna is closed and has been relocated to the Department of Public Health and Social Services’(DPHSS) Hesler building (Old Legislature) in Hagåtña effective Friday, January 10, 2025 to be able to provide better accessibility and services to its constituents.

Clients seeking services can simply enter through the main entrance of DPHSS and follow signs pointing to the direction of the Workers’ Compensation service windows which are in the back hallways. The new phone numbers for Workers’ Compensation are 671-922-2553/55.

GDOL Director David Dell’Isola and DPHSS Director Therese Arriola collaborated on efforts to find office space for Workers’ Compensation at the Hesler Building where DPHSS’s main administrative offices are located.

“I am grateful to Director Arriola for being very accommodating and understanding of our situation. Public Health is one of our key partners for workforce development and has always supported us in finding solutions to benefit our community and now to help relocate Workers’ Compensation,” said GDOL Director Dell’Isola. “This not only addresses accessibility issues but also strengthens our partnership with Public Health.

This move will allow us to continue providing critical services efficiently to individuals who are facing disabilities, injuries, or mobility issues.”

In the meantime, GDOL continues to provide services at its main offices at the GCIC Building in Hagatna on a limited basis due to the shutdown of the building’s elevators. In order to continue providing accessible services to clients, GDOL asks that those seeking services contact GDOL at or the following numbers, and a member of our team can accommodate individuals at the ground floor of the building:

  • For American Job Center: 671-475-7000/1
  • For Administrative Services, Finance, & Contract Administration Division or PUA/DUA inquiries: 671-300-4575
  • For Worker’s Compensation Division: 671-922-2553/55
  • For Alien Labor Processing & Certification Division or Wage & Hour Division: 671-475-8070
  • For Occupational Safety and Health Administration: 671-300-4617/18/19
    *For OSHA clearances: 671-300-4575*
  • For Fair Employment Practice Office: 671-475-7037 or 671-300-4544/4612
  • For Bureau of Labor Statistics: 671-300-4596
    *For BLS clearances: 671-300-4575*


For more information, visit our website at

GDOL’s In-School Youth Receive Certificates from GCC and GCA Trades Academy

Hagåtna, Guam – The Guam Department of Labor is continuing efforts to provide more opportunities for workforce participation and provide alternative career pathways for high school students. In the last week, a total of 60 juniors and seniors from various schools were recognized for completing the Guam Department of Labor’s Year-Round In-School Youth Winter Session for School Year 2024-2025. These students received certificates of completion from the Guam Community College (GCC) and GCA Trades Academy.

Of the 60 students, 51 received certificates of completion from GCC on January 3, 2025. These students completed courses in ACT Workkeys, Customer Service, and Leadership. Meanwhile, nine students received certificates from GCA Trades Academy on January 8, 2025, completing courses in Construction Site Safety and Core Curriculum.

The high school students are part of a cohort who are eligible to participate in summer employment opportunities in partnership with private sector businesses. In the summer, over the course of six weeks, these students will gain hands-on experience in various industries, allowing them to apply the skills they’ve learned during the Winter Session. This program aims to enhance their professional development, build their confidence, and prepare them for future careers by exposing them to workplace environments and responsibilities.

The Year-Round ISY Program also includes a Spring Session cohort, with dates to be announced soon.

For more information about the Year-Round ISY Program, contact the American Job Center at 671-475-7000/1.

73 Students to Complete In-School Youth Winter Session to Prepare for Summer Jobs

A new cohort of 73 high school students from nine different schools is on track to complete the Guam Department of Labor’s Year-Round In-School Youth Program Winter Session, which began on December 23, 2024 and runs through January 3, 2025.

The high school students are participating in one of two course tracks designed to build career-ready skills. One group is training in Customer Service at the Guam Community College while the other group is gaining hands-on experience in Core Curriculum and Electrical Level I at GCA Trades Academy.

“This program equips students with critical skills and knowledge that will help them succeed in future employment opportunities,” said David Dell’Isola, Director of the Guam Department of Labor. “Programs like these provide critical pathways for our youth to gain valuable industry knowledge and hands-on experience, giving them a competitive edge in the workforce and contributing to Guam’s economic growth.”

The Year-Round In-School Youth Program is designed to support students in developing workforce readiness skills and exploring potential career paths which may be an alternative to attending college courses. All 73 students have identified occupational interests and potential employer partners as they continue enrollment in the Summer Internship.

Students completing the program will not only earn certifications but will also be eligible for summer employment opportunities facilitated through the Guam Department of Labor, further solidifying their transition into the workforce.

“This initiative is about more than just skill-building,” Dell’Isola added. “It’s about empowering our youth, instilling confidence, and ensuring they have the tools needed to succeed in their future endeavors. We’re proud of these students and excited to see how they will contribute to Guam’s workforce.”

Students are expected to complete their respective tracks in time to apply their new skills during the 2025 Summer Internships.


High School Juniors and Seniors Encouraged to Apply for Job-Readiness Training

The Guam Department of Labor (GDOL) will be accepting applications for the SY2024-25 Year-Round In-School Youth (ISY) Program Winter Session beginning September 18, 2024. The Year-Round ISY Program provides high school students with work readiness, occupational skills training, and summer employment within each school year.

The ISY Program Winter Session will include work readiness workshops that will prepare students for real-world employment skills such as resume writing, interview preparation, work ethics, communication skills, respecting peers and more. Eligible students must be enrolled in the 11th or 12th grade, between the ages of 14 to 21, and meet other criteria.

“We look forward to our upcoming Winter Session as an opportunity to equip students with essential skills that will set them up for success,” said David Dell’Isola, GDOL Director. “We are committed to doing even more by enhancing our workshops and providing greater hands-on experiences. Our goal is to ensure our students not only gain practical skills but also leave the program feeling confident and ready to thrive in their future careers.”

The In-School Youth Winter Session is a paid occupational skills workshop and will be held from December 23, 2024 to January 3, 2025. The deadline to apply is October 18, 2024.

Students must meet certain eligibility requirements. Interested students should speak to their school counselors to learn more about the program. The application can be found online at the following link:

For more information, contact the American Job Center at 671-475-7000/1, or visit the AJC at the GCIC Building, 414 W Soledad Ave, 3rd Floor, in Hagåtña.


EEOC Announces National Art Contest for K-12 Students in Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is inviting Guam’s K-12 students to participate in a nationwide art contest honoring the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the founding of the EEOC. The contest seeks to raise awareness of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which prohibits employment discrimination, and to highlight the importance of these protections in today’s workplaces. The art contest is open to all K-12 students residing in the U.S.

Submissions can be created in various formats, including drawings, paintings, photos, dance, songs, videos, poetry, and essays, allowing students to explore the meaning of equality and justice in employment.


Contest Details:

  • Eligibility: Open to all K-12 students residing in Guam and the U.S.
  • Submission Deadline: January 20, 2025, by 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time.
  • How to Enter: All entries must be submitted by filling out the online form. For guidelines and contest details, please visit the official contest page on the EEOC website: 60th Anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act Art Contest.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employers from discriminating based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin and protects individuals from retaliation when they report discrimination. This contest is a unique opportunity for Guam’s youth to reflect on the ongoing significance of these protections and to share their voices on issues of equality.

For more information, please contact the EEOC at We encourage schools, parents, and community leaders in Guam to support and share this opportunity with students, inspiring them to take part in this meaningful celebration of civil rights.

National Employ Older Workers Week Celebrated with Proclamation Signing and Luncheon

NEOWW Proclamation Signing Photo Courtesy of the Office of the Governor

Luncheon for NEOWW at Capitol Kitchen

Hagåtña, Guam – The Guam Department of Labor (GDOL) proudly celebrated National Employ Older Workers Week with a series of events highlighting the value and contributions of older workers to Guam’s workforce, starting with a proclamation signing ceremony held last Friday at the Office of the Governor of Guam, affirming the Leon Guerrero-Tenorio Administration’s commitment to supporting the employment of older workers through various initiatives.

To close out National Employ Older Workers Week, a special luncheon for Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) participants was sponsored and hosted by Senator Sabina Flores Perez, Oversight Chair of the Committee on Labor, at Capitol Kitchen in Barrigada. The Mayors’ Council of Guam was also a main sponsor.

“I want to recognize all our manamko’ who are part of SCSEP and continue to pursue a career. Our older workers are an essential part of the workforce and provide a valuable cultural connection to the younger generation that can only be taught through generational knowledge and experience,” said GDOL Director David Dell’Isola. “Older workers abide by a work ethic that is reliable, disciplined, and rooted in years of experience. Younger workers and those with less experience can learn valuable skills, professionalism, and resilience by observing and working alongside them.”

National Employ Older Workers Week is held annually the last full week of September, recognizing the vital role of older workers in the workforce. National Employ Older Workers Week aims to increase awareness of this labor segment and develop innovative strategies to tap it. This year’s theme is “Embracing Experience, Empowering Futures.”

At today’s luncheon, SCSEP participants were given Legislative Certificates of Recognition by Senator Perez, and gift bags courtesy of the Guam Visitors Bureau and Department of Public Health and Social Services. Co-sponsors of the event include Senators Chris Barnett and Dwayne San Nicolas.

“We are so grateful to everyone for making these events such a success. First, I want to acknowledge Governor Lou Leon Guerrero and Lt. Governor Josh Tenorio for recognizing our manamko’ for their hard work and passion to keep our workforce alive. I also want to thank Senator Perez, the Mayors’ Council, and Senators Barnett and San Nicolas for treating our older workers to a wonderful lunch. Without them, this would not have been possible. Finally, our staff at GDOL deserve credit as well for such a well-run program,” said Deputy Director Jerry Toves.


High School Juniors and Seniors Encouraged to Apply for Job-Readiness Training

Year-Round In-School Youth Winter Session Applications to Open September 18

Hagåtña, Guam – The Guam Department of Labor (GDOL) will be accepting applications for the SY2024-25 Year-Round In-School Youth (ISY) Program Winter Session beginning September 18, 2024. The Year-Round ISY Program provides high school students with work readiness, occupational skills training, and summer employment within each school year.

The ISY Program Winter Session will include work readiness workshops that will prepare students for real-world employment skills such as resume writing, interview preparation, work ethics, communication skills, respecting peers and more. Eligible students must be enrolled in the 11th or 12th grade, between the ages of 14 to 21, and meet other criteria.

“We look forward to our upcoming Winter Session as an opportunity to equip students with essential skills that will set them up for success,” said David Dell’Isola, GDOL Director. “We are committed to doing even more by enhancing our workshops and providing greater hands-on experiences. Our goal is to ensure our students not only gain practical skills but also leave the program feeling confident and ready to thrive in their future careers.”

The In-School Youth Winter Session is a paid occupational skills workshop and will be held from December 23, 2024 to January 3, 2025. The deadline to apply is October 18, 2024.

Students must meet certain eligibility requirements. Interested students should speak to their school counselors to learn more about the program. The application can be found online at the following link:

For more information, contact the American Job Center at 671-475-7000/1, or visit the AJC at the GCIC Building, 414 W Soledad Ave, 3rd Floor, in Hagåtña.


COFA Citizens Now Eligible for Assistance for Future Disasters


Hagåtña, Guam – The Guam Department of Labor announces that citizens of the Freely Associated States living in the United States and Guam are eligible for Disaster Unemployment Assistance (DUA) pursuant to U.S Public Law 118-42.  

COFA citizens who lawfully reside in Guam, and are impacted by a declared major disaster after March 9, 2024 will now meet the qualified alien status requirement in DUA. 

“The devastation of Typhoon Mawar in 2023 hit our COFA citizens hard, with some not being able to get the assistance they needed with DUA, despite being able to apply for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA). This historic change recognizes the contributions of Compact of Free Association (COFA) citizens to our community and the important role they play in building our economy and shaping our future,” said Director David Dell’Isola.

National and Regional US Department of Labor officials visited Guam Department of Labor (GDOL) earlier this month to conduct an audit of the Mawar DUA program. They praised the team for a well-run program and cited best practices to take back to the US. It was also during this visit that USDOL officials informed GDOL Director Dell’Isola of the change to the law that now makes COFA citizens eligible for DUA benefits.  

Dell’Isola further added, “The Governor and I spent months advocating to our counterparts and Congress about the urgent need to support COFA citizens during times of disaster. While I am disappointed that we could not provide DUA support to our COFA citizens in the aftermath of Typhoon Mawar in 2023, I am glad our voices were heard and addressed in the approval process.”

More than 100 Students Participate in In-School Youth Program Spring Session

The Year-Round In-School Youth (ISY) Program Spring Session concluded last week with a cohort of 101 students who successfully completed training, marking a significant milestone in their journey toward career readiness and personal development. High school juniors and seniors participated in three different courses to prepare them for the paid Summer Work Experience scheduled to begin in June.

Partner agencies and organizations who provided the course training include the GCA Trades Academy, Pacific Human Resources Services (PHRS), and the Guam Community College (GCC).

“I want to congratulate all the students who have participated in the In-School Youth Spring Session and have demonstrated their dedication and readiness for the upcoming Summer Work Experience. Through our successful collaboration, these young minds have honed vital skills and knowledge that will shape their future endeavors,” said Guam Department of Labor Acting Director Gerard Toves.

GCA Trades Academy’s courses focused on construction-related subjects, which were a continuation of the ISY Winter Session courses. A total of 31 students enrolled and completed the core curriculum.

PHRS provided 23 students with Career Readiness courses that use practical skills such as interview and preparation, listening, resume writing, digital etiquette, and networking for career and life success.

GCC’s workshop was related to career interest inventory, resume writing activity and research, cybersecurity, time management, and work ethic. A total of 47 students participated in and completed GCC’s workshop.

The In-School Youth Employment Program is a year-round program open to students enrolled in the 11th or 12th grade and between the ages of 16 to 18. Other eligibility criteria must also be met.

Students interested in the program can fill out an application online at the following link:
To learn more about the Year-Round ISY Program, contact the American Job Center at 671-475-7000/1 or, or visit the AJC at the GCIC Building, 414 W Soledad Ave, 3rd Floor, in Hagåtña. 

WIOA State Plan Open for Public Comment


The Guam Department of Labor (GDOL), along with the Guam Workforce Development Board (GWDB), announces that the Draft Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) State Plan is open for public comment from March 1, 2024 through March 15, 2024.

The Draft WIOA State Plan 2024-2027 can be viewed online at All comments must be received by 5 p.m., Friday, March 15, 2024. Public comments may be submitted through the submission form online at, email at, or by postal mail at 414 W Soledad Ave, Suite 808, Hagåtña, Guam, 96910. To view a hard copy of the proposed plan, visit GDOL at 414 W Soledad Ave, Suite 808, GCIC Building, Hagåtña, Guam.  

WIOA is designed to improve the coordination of employment and training services across federal agencies, strengthen collaboration with state and local partners, and provide Americans with increased access to training, education, and other support to succeed in the job market and their careers.

In Guam, the GWDB, composed of a diverse group of members from the public, private, and non-profit sectors, oversees and guides WIOA activities. By law, each state’s or territory’s governor must submit a WIOA State Plan to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor that outlines a four-year strategy for their respective jurisdiction’s workforce development system. States and territories must have approved plans to receive funding for core programs.

The GWDB is proposing a Combined Plan to include:

●       Title I of WIOA: The Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth Programs (Administered by the Guam Department of Labor)

●       Title II of WIOA: The Adult Education and Family Literacy Act Program (Administered by the Guam Community College)

●       Title III of WIOA: Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service (Administered by the Guam Department of Labor)

●       Title IV of WIOA: Vocational Rehabilitation (Administered by the Department of Integrated Services for Individuals with Disabilities/Department of Vocational Rehabilitation)

●       Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program (Administered by the Department of Public Health and Social Services)

●       Employment and Training Programs under the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (Administered by the Department of Public Health and Social Services)

●       Jobs for Veterans State Grants Program (Administered by the Guam Department of Labor)

●       Senior Community Service Employment Program (Administered by the Guam Department of Labor)

For more information, contact GDOL at 671-300-4606 or visit