Alien Labor Processing and Certification Division (ALPCD)
Guam is unique in the fact that the Governor of Guam has been granted certifying authority for Temporary Labor Certifications issued in Guam. To protect this very valuable authority, the Government of Guam has promulgated rules and regulations to protect against abuse and fraud. The Alien Labor Processing & Certification Division (ALPCD) was created to oversee the employment of H-2B workers in Guam and monitor employers of such workers.
The division has five major functions:
- To review, receive, process and adjudicate applications for Temporary Alien Labor Certifications for Guam.
- To register all H-2B workers entering Guam evidenced by the issuance of an H-2 ID Card
- Conduct monitoring, surveillance and investigative activities to prevent violations of the Rules and Regulations.
- Compile and maintain records and statistical data.
- To enforce Guam labor laws relative to the employment of alien workers.